Success Story – July – Christine Shrout

Julia Manor would like to highlight and celebrate the success of Ms. Christine Shrout this month! Ms. Shrout came for rehab here after undergoing a total hip replacement, in which she was left unable to care for herself independently and safely at home! Ms. Shrout and the Reliant Rehab therapy team worked together with Christine to develop a collaborative plan of care that would address her goals and improve her functional independence to allow her to safely return home! Ms. Shrout was very excited to return home to her family and get back to doing things she enjoyed. She initially required assistance and help walking, dressing, and knew the stairs would be a challenge.
Christine has been amazing at learning her precautions and adapting to new processes to dress herself and take care of daily tasks. She has shown tremendous improvement and now after a short rehab stay, she is ready to return home! Christine has demonstrated the ability to complete all her stairs to get to her bedroom at home and is walking by herself. Congrats to Christine on her amazing success!
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